The Unsung Hero Project
...ordinary people, extraordinary lives
A Living American History
The great American story is made up of all our lives, individually. Together, these stories are the heart of the American Spirit.
The purpose of the creation of The Unsung Hero Project is to interview ordinary American folks that have quietly, without celebration, lived amazing and heroic lives, and then gather them together in a book to inspire, hearten, and give hope to others.
It was a kind of sense engraved invitation to awakening. As the rooster's call heralded the rise of morning, the aroma of the iron skillet frying bacon, soft butter on warm toast, and coffee percolating in the sunlit kitchen wafted like invisible warm and loving hands guiding me towards the new day.
As I barefooted my way towards the music of that symphony of the senses, I walked past walls that held sepia inked photographs of bright eyed, wind worn faces and hands. A rotary dial large black telephone rested, heavily, on a tidy dark wooden desk.
Welcome to The Unsung Hero Project
by, L Fee